Monday 26 April 2010

Disappointed :o(

So the craft fair didn't go too well :o(

I only sold 2 items...a crocheted hat and a mini-nappycake...and one of those was to a friend!! I didn't even make enough profit to cover the cost of the table.

Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to to sell them online (really need to make my money back now!)

Here's a picture of the stall (which I think looks ok):

And here are some pictures of the big nappy cakes:

I really do hope someone buys them!


Wednesday 14 April 2010

Progress...with pictures!

I've got a few things finished recently...had a bit of spare time so decided to do some finishing, rather than starting something new!

This is Billy Bunny...

These are a couple of the 'mini' nappy cakes for the craft fair...

Some knitted booties...

And a crocheted hat...

I'm particularly pleased with the hat as I came up with the pattern myself and I've never crocheted a flower before!

I have a few more nappy cakes and hats that I've not taken photos of yet. Oh, and 1 bandana's a little on the small side though, so I'm going to adjust the sizing before making any more!

Still to do:
  • Finish remainder of mini nappy cakes
  • Finish 3-tier nappy cakes (3 of these to do!)
  • Finish knitting blue booties
  • Knit at least 2 more pairs of booties!
  • Attach flowers to 2 crocheted hats
  • Crochet at least 5 more hats (thankfully these are the quickest things I make)
  • Make some bandana bibs
  • Make some taggies
Phew! And all that to be done in time for the craft fair (24th Arpil...eek!!)
