Monday 29 March 2010

New Signature

Just want to test out my new signature!

Oh, and I've almost finished a toy bunny

Bandana Bibs

I've decided to try making some Bandana Style Bibs...

The first one has been handsewn (not quite got the hang of my sewing machine yet!) and looks very cute, although it's a little on the small side. I'm going to add velcro to this one (should be good for small babies) and then I'll take a picture of it to put on here.

I've decided for any future ones, I'm going to make them a little bit bigger and use poopers as a fastener (to stop little munchkins pulling them off midway through dinner!)


Monday 22 March 2010

A New Blog for a New Start

Well, I thought I'd start a blog for, what I'm hoping, will be the start of something new for me :o)

I've been asked to run a craft stall at a fair that my friend has organised and I'm going to be selling "baby stuff" - great description, I know!

Here's a couple of examples of the things I make:

I'm hoping this could be a great start to making "baby stuff"
